25 August 2016

All you need to do gymnastics at home

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Now that the Olympic Games in Rio are in full swing, chances are you’ve seen at least clips of three-time all-around world champion Simone Biles and her near flawless floor, vault, and beam routines.
How can you not be inspired to get to the gym and work a little harder when you see gymnasts perform at this caliber?!
 Gymnasts require strength, power, endurance, flexibility, and mobility like no other sport.
Now, we’re not expecting you to throw a double backflip or full twist off the beam any time soon, but why not give our Gymnast Strength Workout a try while imagining yourself in one of those sparkly leotards? Enjoy!

Gymnast Strength Workout


Level: Intermediate


Time: 65 minutes


For each exercise, perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions, resting 45 seconds between sets. Use a challenging weight that allows you to complete all reps. If the weight is too easy, slightly increase it. If it’s too hard, slightly decrease it.


Anterior Lateral Lunge


Anterior Lateral Lunge

1 – Stand upright holding dumbbells at your sides, with your arms straight.

2 – Step forward and laterally to one side, lowering your body down toward the floor and leaning your torso slightly forward.

3 – Push off the front leg to return to start position.

• Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.


Press with Rotation


Press with Rotation

1 – Lie with the center of your upper back on the ball, holding dumbbells at shoulder level.

2 – Press one dumbbell up until your arm is straight over your chest and twist your torso to the opposite side, raising your shoulder off the ball.

• Lower the dumbbell back to shoulder level and repeat to the other side.

• Alternate sides with each rep.


Uni Push Press


Uni Push Press

1 – Stand upright holding one dumbbell at shoulder height with your elbow bent and palm facing forward.

2 – Bend slightly at the hips and knees, then quickly thrust the dumbbell overhead, extending your arm and legs fully, keeping your back flat throughout the movement.

 • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.


Uni Self Row


Uni Self Row

1 – Lie on the floor holding onto a suspended straight bar with one hand and your arm straight.

2 – Pull your body up to the bar and reach the other hand straight up to the ceiling.

• Lower your body back to the floor.

• Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.


Pistol Squat


Pistol Squat

1 – Stand upright holding one kettlebell in both hands out in front with your arms extended and one foot raised off the floor in front.

2 – Lower your body toward the floor, sending your hips back and down, keeping the raised leg straight out in front.

3 – Push off the standing leg to return to the upright position.

• Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.





1 – Support your body in a push-up position with your toes on the floor and your hands on a barbell, with your arms straight.

2 – Push the barbell forward, keeping your arms straight and back flat, dropping your body down.

3 – Pull the barbell back into your knees, returning to start position.


Box Jump


Box Jump

• Stand upright facing a box or step with your arms by your sides.

1 – Dip at the hips and knees into a semi-squat and jump onto the box, driving up with your legs and arms.

2 – Land on the box with both feet and dip at the hips and knees to absorb the impact.

• Step off the box and repeat.


Feet Up Bench Dip


Feet Up Bench Dip

1 – Place your palms on a bench behind you and your heels on a bench in front, with your legs and arms straight and a weight plate resting on your thighs.

 2 – Bending at the elbows, lower your body toward the floor.

3 – Push up through your palms to return to the start position.


Alternating Superman


Alternating Superman

1 – Lie face-down on the ball with your hands and feet touching the floor.

2 – Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight up, making a straight line.

3 – Lower both and repeat with the other arm and leg.

• Alternate sides with each rep.


Windshield Wipers


Windshield Wipers
 1 – Hang from a secure bar overhead with your arms straight and your legs straight out to one side.

2 – Raise your legs straight up and over to the other side in a semicircular motion.

• Lower your legs and repeat back to the first side, keeping your arms straight throughout.


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